UnHeardOf Cherokee Street
We're keeping very busy this new year with new projects, new ideas, and new content. So, it's time to announce yet another new project from Hugmonster Sound!
Introducing UnHeardOf Cherokee Street!

This is a brand-new project from us that will serve as a pilot for what will be a city-wide immersive audio experience in the months and years to come.
The people, places, and culture of Cherokee Street are passionate, diverse, and thriving, so we thought this was a good place to start.
But what IS IT?

UnHeardOf is an interactive, immersive audio experience that uses GPS map technology and world class cinematic audio to tell the stories of a street, city, or landmark. We have another pilot version that uses fully produced first person narrative stories - like little radio plays - complete with actors, sound design, music, and more. Others, like Cherokee, will have audio that's more like what you would hear on NPR or a high end journalistic podcast.
But whatever audio style we use to tell each story best, the experience will guide visitors who are physically in a space to familiar landmarks and tell them the stories of the people and events that make that place special. Imagine standing where Stagger Lee shot Billy Lyons, and hearing him tell his story. Or imagine looking at some public art on Cherokee and hearing the artists and the shop owners telling the story of how it came to be.

UnHeard of Cherokee is our pilot project, and as such it is a work-in-progress. Because of the integrated, collaborative, community-focused nature of the Cherokee Street neighborhood, we want YOU to be involved. Whether it's as a sponsor of a pin on the map, an interview subject, or simply a user of the map when it's launched, we want to hear from you!
We are underway recording, and hope to have UnHeardOf Cherokee launched in its infancy in time for LoFi Cherokee, with additions, refinements, and enhancements being added through the spring.
If you are part of the Cherokee Street community, or just want to learn more, please email adam@hugmonstersound.com or call 314-896-1484 for more info.